Pline plugin API

The Pline plugin API allows to describe command-line program arguments and corresponding interface in JSON format. Each option is specified with an Object containing one or more attributes described in this document. The interface elements (and the resulting arguments in the command line) are generated in the same order as they appear in JSON.


Native Javascript objects can be used instead of JSON. Object format supports e.g. embedded comments and unquoted attribute names:


{"name": {"key": "value"}}


{name: {key: "value"}} //some comment


  • program - command-line executable
  • options
    • additional parameters added to the program launch command
    • descriptions of program parameters in the plugin JSON file
  • attributes – JSON-formatted text fields for describing plugin/program options
  • tracked name – name of an option in JSON (set with name or option attribute)
  • input – HTML input element (a textbox, checkbox or selection menu) in the generated plugin interface
  • String, Boolean, Array, Object – valid value types for the attributes

Plugin attributes

These attributes describe the program or plugin settigns.

program: String

Name of the executable (global command or filepath in the plugin folder).

options: Array

Array can contain strings (displayed as text) and option objects (described in the next section). You can group options to multiple “options” arrays by wrapping each Array to an Object. The group wrapper appearance can be customized by including one of these attributes:

  • group: String

options (input elements) are displayed in a collapsible section below the label String.

  • collapsed: Boolean

sets whether the options section is initially collapsed + Default: true

  • section: String

options are displayed in a bordered section below a horizontal line and label String.

  • line: String

option inputs are displayed in a line (wrapped if necessary)

  • select: String

display options in a selectable list. Same as {type:“select”, title:String} (see the type attribute).


Leave the String label empty (“”) for untitled section.

Optional plugin attributes:

desc: String

Description of the program. Can include HTML and web addresses are automatically parsed to HTML links.

name: String

Name of the program.

icon: String | Array

Icon for the program interface. String can be:

  • SVG path. Example: “M 11.193359 0.55078125 z”
  • Image data URI: Example: “…”
  • Path to image file (in the plugin folder). Example: “images/icon.jpg” Multiple icon formats can be given in Array.

outfile: String | Object | Array

Specifies (partial or full) name of the the expected main output file. You can list alternative candidates in Array (file selected after program execution).


Use Object for conditional output naming (see Conditionals) or a comma-separated String for specifying multiple output files.

submitBtn: String | Object | Array

String is a label displayed on the submit button in the interface.

  • Default: “Send job”

Use (Array of) Objects for conditional labeling (see Conditionals).

prefix: String

Specifies leading character(s) for each parameter name in the command line.

  • Default: “-“

Prefix can also be set for a single option or options group.

valuesep: String

Specifies the character separating parameter name from its value in the command line.

  • Default: ” “

version: String

The version of the program the plugin is written for.

disable: true

Sets the plugin as disabled.

debug: true | String

Write debug messages to the javascript console to keep track of plugin JSON parsing and value changes of all (if set to true) or one specific (if set to option name String) option in the interface.

  • Default: false

Option attributes

These properties are used in each JSON Object describing an option in the options Array.

type: “bool” | “tickbox” | “checkbox” | “int” | “float” | “number” | “text” | “string” | “file” | “hidden” | “select” | “output”

Sets the type for the option (input argument).

  • Default: "text"

Available option types:

  • “file” – option accepts input datafile.

Optional attributes for file inputs

  • Use the title attribute to add custom text to the filedrop area
  • Use the desc attribute to add custom text next to the filedata that user has added
  • Use the name attribute to change the filename
  • “dirpath” – for giving the program a directory path Use this option if the program parameter value (named via option attribute) needs a full path to the working directory. Otherwise works as the “hidden” option type.


You can add a filename to the directory path with the default attribute.

  • “hidden” – automatically added option without user input. Use default attribute to set its value. With option attribute, “default” sets pre-defined program arguments (String | Number) or flags (true/false).


  • “hidden” options can use value attribute as alias to “default”.
  • “hidden” option with an empty/false value excludes it from the command line.


The program output stream (console output) will be written to text file output.log. If the program prints its results to screen, direct it to another file: {hidden: “outfile.fa”, prefix: “>”}

  • “select” – list of options (or values for an option) where only one can be selected. Additional attributes:

    • selection: Array of String | Number | Object items
      Mutually exclusive list of items to choose from.
      String | Number is a shorthand for {title: String|Number, value: String|Number}.

    Valid attributes in the selection list Object:

    • title: String
      Text to be displayed in the list.


    title also sets the selection item value (unless overriden with value).

    • option: String | Array | Object
      Other program option(s) to be set when the item is selected. Program options can be set as {argname: “argvalue”} or as “argname” for Boolean options (command-line flags).


    title can be omitted if option is set as String.

    • value: String | Number | “no value”
      Sets the value for the program option/selection when this list item is selected. “no value” assigns an empty value (“”). When value attribute is omitted, “title” is used instead.
    • desc: String
      Additional text (shown via info icon) for the selected item.
    • default: true | String
      Sets the item as the initial selection.


    default: String is a shorthand for {title: String, default: true}

    • extendable: true | “configurations”
      Allows users to add custom options to the selection list. “configurations” allows to select or store sets of values (presets) for all the plugin options.
  • “bool” | “tickbox” | “checkbox” | “switch”
    Tickbox element. User input adds/removes the option from the command line.

  • “text” | “string”
    Text input box. User input is assigned to an option (see option attribute) and/or tracked name (name attribute).

  • “number” | “int” | “float”
    Same as type: “text”, but accepts only numerical input. “int” restricts input to whole numbers.


  • type, title and option attributes can be combined to inputType: String shorthand syntax:
{number: “argname”}`

Available for option types “text”, “number”, “tickbox” and “select”

  • When name attribute is present (or type is “select”), the syntax sets just the title (e.g. not a command line argument).
  • type: “default” shorthand syntax is available for option types “output” and “hidden”.
{output: “outfile.fas”}

title: String

Shows a text label next to the input element (except for option type “hidden”).

option: String

Sets the command-line argument name. Also sets a reference name for its value tracking (see name attribute). You can include a prefix to override global prefix attribute. Set to empty String (“”) for positional arguments. Note: options are passed to the program in the order of appearance in JSON.


Use the name attribute to differentiate between multiple options with the same argument name.

desc: String

Tooltip text, displayed when hovering the title (or form element when title is missing).

name: String

Enables option value tracking. String is unique reference name that can be used by other options (see e.g. “enable” and “default” attributes). Overrides the option attribute as reference name for tracking.

enable | disable: Boolean | String | Object | Array

Includes or excludes the program argument(s) from command line, its input element(s) from the interface, and clear the input value (revert the option to its “default” or empty value). String or Object (or Array of these) define rules for conditional enabling/disabling (see Conditionals).


{ enable: “option_name is not ticked” }
{ disable: {“‘option name’ is more than 10”: “yes”}
{ enable: “no tree” }
{ enable: “option_name is disabled” }

check: String | Object

Checks the option value and displays the message String whenever the input element is empty Object is a conditional in the form {rule : String}, where rule is a logic expression (see Conditionals) to check the input element value against, and String is the corresponding error message.

required: String | Object

Same as the check attribute, except

  1. checks the value and displays the error message only after the “submit” button is clicked, and
  2. an error prevents the plugin launch.

default: value | Object | Array

Initial/default value for an option. Can be overriden by user input, unless the input element is disabled with fixed, disabled or hidden attribute.


For text inputs, it is assumed that the default value does not need to be added to the program command line parameters, and is shown just for information when user has not inserted any value. If it’s not the case, make the program option compulsory with the required attribute.


The value for the default (and many other) option attributes can change according to a logical expression (conditional) and the values of the current (or any other) option. The conditional values are defined in the plugin JSON as {condition: result} objects.

  • Alternative (mutually exclusive) conditionals can be listed in array: [{condition1: result1}, {condition2: result2}, …].
  • The conditional strings can use Javascript logical operators, which in the plugin JSON can be replaced with API keywords:
    • “is”/“equals” (=); “not”/“is not” (!=)
    • “contains”
    • “and” (&&), “or” (||)
    • “ticked”/“selected”/“on”/“enable” (true)
    • “no”/“off”/“disable” (false)
    • “invert” (!) Both the condition and result strings can use the option input values via each option’s tracked name (set by the option or name attributes). Together with the logic expressions, you can construct rules to check for a value of an option and change an option attribute accordingly.


{disable: {“option_name is not ticked”: true}}
{check: {“option_name is 10”: “you typed 10”}}
{default: {“option_name is more than other_option_name and no third_option”: “numeric_option + 0.5”}}


Wrap tracked/option names to single quotes (“‘option name'”) if it contains spaces. Wrap tracked names to escaped double quotes (“\”optionName\””) to use the name as text (instead of the option’s value).

{“‘some argument’ equals \”some argument\”” : “The option value is now its name:\”some argument\”.” }

fixed: “yes” | true | String | Object | Array

Input element cannot be changed by user. String or Object (or Array of these) define rules for conditional fixing (see enable attribute). If input element is disabled by fixed, the default value (see default attribute) overrides input value from user.

format: “invert” | expressionString | Object

Do some postprocessing with the value of this option (this_option_name) before passing to the program. “invert” is same as “invert this_option_name” (only useful for Boolean type options). expressionString is a fixed value or javascript code for formatting.


{ format: “this_option_name + \’ concatenated text\'”. }

Object can be used for conditional formatting (see Conditionals):

{ “this_option_name is less than 0”: “Math.abs( this_option_name )” }


  • the type of the variable this_option_name is defined by type: String | Boolean | Number
  • in Javascript expression, use spaces around option_name, \’quoted text\’ and other syntax tokens

line: Boolean

Options marked with line attribute are displayed in one line (alternative to grouping with the line attribute)

prefix: String

Option-specific command-line prefix (overrides global prefix attribute).


You can inspect/debug imported plugins via Javascript console:

console.log( Pline.plugins[“plugin name”] ); //plugin datamodel object
console.log( Pline.plugins.pluginName.options.optionName() ); //current input value

Wasabi-specific attributes

Wasabi extends the Pline plugin API with some attributes and modifications.

  • Plugin attributes

    Short description of the program. Displayed as tooltip in the Wasabi tools menu (on mouseover).

    • icon: String | Array

    Wasabi displays the program icon in the tools menu and in the interface window. These can be given as Array with an SVG and img/png (recommended size 25*25px).

    • outfile: String | Object | Array

    This attribute tells Wasabi which file to use for the “Open” button in the analysis library. Use comma-spearated String for opening a dataset with multiple files (e.g. "alignment.fas,tree.nwk").

    • translate_names: Boolean

    If set to true, all sequence names in input file(s) are converted to simple IDs (“seq1”, “seq2”, …), which are translated back to the original names when the output is opened in Wasabi.

    Default: false (retain input taxa names, with spaces converted to underscore)

    • enable: “tree” | “sequence” | “data”

    The plugin is disabled until tree/sequence/one of these is imported (e.g. required for input file).

    • libraryname: String

    Default name for the stored results in the analysis library

    Default: “my analysis”

  • Additional attributes for type: "file" input options:

    • source: “current sequence” | “current tree” | “current data” | “fileinput”

    Sets input file data source: either currently imported dataset or a local file added by the user (using the file input).

    Default: “current sequence”

    • fileformat: “fasta” | “newick” | “extended newick” | “phyloxml” | “hsaml” | “phylip” | “nexus” | “original”

    Input file will be converted to specified format before feeding it to the program. Use “original” to skip file conversion.

    Default: “fasta” (for sequence data) | “newick” (for tree)


    • Use multiple ([“fasta”,“newick”]) or merged (“phyloxml”) file formats if both tree and sequence data is expected.
    • inputType: “source” shorthand syntax can be used for fileinputs:
    {file: “filedrop”}
  • Conditionals Wasabi adds predefined option names “tree”, “sequence” and keywords “DNA”, “RNA”, “codons”, “protein”.
    These can be used to check for the data type and the type of sequence that is currently imported in the Wasabi interface:

//example conditionals
{“sequence and no tree”: “ticked”}
{“sequence is DNA”: 0.5}


Don’t use the Wasabi reserved keywords (e.g. "tree") as an option name attribute

The “tree”/“sequence” keywords can also be used to check the content of user-supplied file data. Remember to quote the keywords when used in this form:

{“fileInputOption contains \”sequence\””: “newValue”}